Preview deployments for
TS & JS packages 📦

Test package changes with a preview build URL,
so you can release with confidence 🚀

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App screenshot

Get a unique URL per commit ✅

Monorepo support ✅

Support for npm, yarn & pnpm ✅

Environment variables ✅

Coming soon... ✨

Automatically open a PR in a target repo (with the package changes) 🚀

arethetypeswrong integration

Bundle size analysis

File explorer


A better workflow for package changes

Npm package releases are immutable
so it's annoying when you make a mistake 😤

App screenshot

Testing locally can also be a pain

difficult for other devs / QA to setup 🙃
symlink issues 🤬
not actually testing against the production version 🙅‍♂️

📦 ☁️

How can PrePack help?

PrePack is a cloud based 'npm pack'

1. Open a PR
2. PrePack will build each commit and provide you a URL
3. This URL can be used in package.json
"@company/components": "URL"

This means you can properly test your changes,
run tests against the changes in another project, anything you'd like ✅

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